Saturday, February 27, 2016

Not dead, and have not been idle.

So, I honestly forgot all about this for a long time.

Futa Apocalypse has settled into a back burner position for quite some time now while I focus more of my attention on bigger and better things.

Since my last post, a small(ish) but complete game has been released: "The Puppet Master."

I've also been investing time into a Lovecraftian horror/erotica game named "The Allure of Wanton Cove."  That project is coming along nicely and is currently about half complete.

In addition to that, I've been playing around with concept for two additional games.

The first one is named "Aftermath" and is intended to be a post apocalyptic erotica setting in the vein of Fallout, Wasteland, Mad Max, and other similar settings.  There is a very good chance this will be my next major project.

The second one is an unnamed project which is intended to be a female life simulator of sorts involving the character balancing college, work, and social life.

Latest versions of my projects can be found here:

The Allure of Wanton Cove:

Futa Apocalypse:

The Puppet Master: