Sunday, May 29, 2016

The "I really need to post over here more often" update.

Over the last few days, I've had significant chaos on the home front, but at the same time, I've written a sampling of scenes for several more locations within the starting area.  I'd have to go back and look to be sure, but I think I've knocked out 4 more locations, with probably 15-20 small scenes between them.

At this point in time, I'm down to flavor scenes for just a hand full of locations still, then I'll be shifting towards writing some things of arguably more significance (Items, NPCs, and a first batch of NPC sex scenes.)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Progress Report 5/23/16

Had some chaos on the home front over the last few weeks, but things are finally settling back down.  In the last few days, I've written a host of new random scenes.  At this point in time, 15/23 locations have a full set of random encounters now. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Progress Report 5/7/16

Sorry its been a little while since my last update.  Been a crazy couple of weeks on the home front, and I'm just now getting the chaos contained.

Needless to say, a lack of a progress report does NOT mean we've been idle.  Random Events have now been written for eight locations, with some of the ones that had been written previously receiving new scenes.  Those locations average about 6 scenes each.  Also, Elerneron has been busy with the user interface putting some final touches in place, adding companion support, Equipment can now be equipped, there's now a clock in place to track time (Which will make day/night scenes possible, along with allowing for things like pregnancy to run their course once in the game) and a host of other little things.