Saturday, August 6, 2016


So, I havent posted over here in a little while, bit that does not mean a lot hasn't been going on.

It looks like there will be a new build for Futa Apocalypse in the foreseeable future.  The new content will likely be focused exclusively on "The Family" story path.

Posted a new build for The Allure of Wanton Cove a few days ago, and just a couple of days ago, I posted the bug fix to sort the small issues that cropped up (Almost entirely spelling/grammar stuff, nothing game breaking).

Got a bunch of work done on Aftermath.  The first batch of sex scenes are about 75% done at this time.  Was pretty happy with all of that.  Just need to get back to it now and write up the rest of that content so I can move on to fleshing out some NPCs with some content (Discussion/Relationship building).

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lots of News today.

First, got some work done on Aftermath this morning.  About three hours of writing finished up the last of the location events that will be appearing in the initial build of the game.  I wasn't counting, but the end result was somewhere between 30-40 new events written and added. 

Second, got a new build of Futa Apocalypse ready for primetime.  The database entry has been updated over on TFGamesSite, but I'm having trouble uploading the file anywhere.  There is however a link in the discussion thread for the update while I try to host the file elsewhere.

Third, I'm not expecting to get a lot done, but I'm going to spend the rest of today's free time working on Wanton Cove, hopefully I can put a dent in that bath scene I've been working at.

Productive day?   Why yes, yes it has been.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Update 7/23/16

Aftermath News:

Been getting some more writing done.  M/F sex scenes for the initial release of the game is mostly done now.  Intros for seven NPCs have been written.

Basically, got some good progress in the last couple of weeks. 

The Allure of Wanton Cove News:

Next, Spent a bit of time working on The Allure of Wanton Cove.  At this point in time (assuming no further problems with my computer) my hope is to finish up the scenes I started writing this last week, clean up a couple of issues, then make a small release of the game in the next couple of weeks.

Life News:

In less positive news, my computer went on the fritz last night.  Turned off on its own, then refused to turn back on until this morning.  Haven't had any further problems today, but I've been busy trying to back up everything on my computer which cant be replaced.  So at least that's good news.  I'm pretty sure it overheated, and I've taken precautions in the hopes of avoiding further incidents.  My hope is that the computer holds out long enough for me to replace it, which might take a few months. Lets keep our fingers crossed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Been busy.

First, we released a new test build over on TFGamesSite. 

Second, we're looking for a tester to bring on board.  If anyone is interested, please drop me a line either here, or over on TFGamesSite so we can discuss bringing you on board. 

Now, on to the meat of what I planned for this post:
We've been hard at work since my last post over here. 
-Character creation has been completed mechanically.  (Just have a bit of content to add to it to finish fleshing it out.)
-All of the locations that will be appearing in the first release of the game have been coded into the game, as well as all of their descriptions.
-About 150 random events have been plugged into the game.
-About 75 weapons have been coded into the game, ranging from BB guns, to clubs, to EMP grenades, and Laser Rifles.
-We've opted to do a visual/hex based combat for the game instead of simple text based.  We've been working on our mapping system the last couple days.  Mechanically its coming along nicely, it just needs some finishing touches so we can start putting together maps.
-Started adding the fourth NPC to the game.
-First four enemy descriptions have been written.

Needless to say, things are coming along nicely, with a lot of progress.  We're very happy with recent progress, and are excited about getting to share things with you all once things are ready for the first release.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Update 6/29/16

Been busy the last couple of days on this.

As mentioned in my previous post, we've started plugging actual content into the game.  About 1/3 of the areas in the starting location have been added to the game.

There are now two NPCs written into the game (Just the intro sequences so far.) with several more in the pipe to be added.

Started adding the random events to existing locations.  There's about thirty events right now between five locations at this time.  It looks like 4-8 events will be pretty much the norm for the first public build of the game, with additional scenes being added to existing locations as they are written.

I hope to put another big dent in the content later today.

Meanwhile, Elerneron has started working on the mechanical end of character creation and has been trying to teach me how the random event stuff works so I can get everything added.  ;)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Wrote up intros for the next two NPCs.  So that was a good little bit of progress I wasn't planning on today.

In the meantime, Reaper is busy with the starting quest, and Elerneron is hard at work with the mechanical stuff.

In the last couple of days, we've started to plug the actual content into the UI, so that's pretty exciting stuff, . . . at least from our perspective.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Update 6/21/16

Been doing a little work on this since my last post.  Nothing real significant, but every little bit helps, right?

Almost done with the initial set of filler/flavor scenes for the starting location.  Just one or two areas left to go.

Today, I wrote the intro pieces for one of the NPCs that will be appearing in the first major public build.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Settling back into regular work.

The recent chaos on the home front is finally in the late stages of settling down now.  This means I'll have more time to work on projects again soon.

In related news, a couple of days ago, I wrote a few more small filler scenes for Aftermath.  And yesterday, I spent a couple of hours working through bug reports related to The Allure of Wanton Cove and making some minor improvements (Did some minor rewrites for a couple of the early story driven scenes, worked age regression into the current TF elements, started doing some rework on the combat elements in the game, etc)

No promises, but the current plan is to have a new build of The Allure of Wanton Cove up for players some time this coming month, as well as another small update for Futa Apocalypse.

Additionally, Elerneron is starting to make forward progress on the code end of Aftermath again, so its looks like that project is going to gain a bit of forward momentum as well.

In other news, anyone who is interested in seeing what I've been playing around with on my little free time, go check out some of my writing over on

The Virgin Games:

The Bloody Maiden:

If you like them, be sure to give a few chapters a thumbs up while you're there.  And feel free to leave a comment, I enjoy hearing what people think of my work.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The "I really need to post over here more often" update.

Over the last few days, I've had significant chaos on the home front, but at the same time, I've written a sampling of scenes for several more locations within the starting area.  I'd have to go back and look to be sure, but I think I've knocked out 4 more locations, with probably 15-20 small scenes between them.

At this point in time, I'm down to flavor scenes for just a hand full of locations still, then I'll be shifting towards writing some things of arguably more significance (Items, NPCs, and a first batch of NPC sex scenes.)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Progress Report 5/23/16

Had some chaos on the home front over the last few weeks, but things are finally settling back down.  In the last few days, I've written a host of new random scenes.  At this point in time, 15/23 locations have a full set of random encounters now. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Progress Report 5/7/16

Sorry its been a little while since my last update.  Been a crazy couple of weeks on the home front, and I'm just now getting the chaos contained.

Needless to say, a lack of a progress report does NOT mean we've been idle.  Random Events have now been written for eight locations, with some of the ones that had been written previously receiving new scenes.  Those locations average about 6 scenes each.  Also, Elerneron has been busy with the user interface putting some final touches in place, adding companion support, Equipment can now be equipped, there's now a clock in place to track time (Which will make day/night scenes possible, along with allowing for things like pregnancy to run their course once in the game) and a host of other little things.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Progress Update 4/25/16

Thought it was past time to share a little update again.

I've been busy with real life the last few days, so I have not completed as much as I would have liked.  I've written maybe a thousand words of content total split between a half dozen or so random events.  At the same time, I've expanded my list of prospective minor scenes substantially.

Meanwhile, Eleneron has been working on the combat mechanics, while ReaperOf666 has the initial quest on their to-do list.

To give everyone a better idea of what we have planned for an initial release, as well as where we are progress wise:

The first official release of the game will include the following:
-User Interface (Done)
-Customization of User Interface (Done)
-Character Creation (Work in Progress)
-Combat System (Work in Progress)
-Item/Inventory System (Done)
-Merchant mechanic.
-Initial set of items (Done. Initial set was intended to be roughly 40 items, a little shy of 100 have been added at this time. There is a good possibility that there will be more by release time.)
-Ability to equip/unequip items.
-NPCs (Code is partly in place, writing has not begun.)
-Time system
-Level up system
-Starting Quest (Work in Progress. This will take the player UP TO the point they can leave the starting location. Second release will introduce the player/character to the larger world.)
-Sex scene mechanic (Work in Progress)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Progress Update: 4/20/16

Alright, thought I'd get a little update up for everyone!

As you all know, Eleneron has been busy with the coding end of things the last couple of weeks now. And on a whim, I took a peek under the hood. Looks like the core file is up to over 7k words worth of content (Most of that being code and the work in that file being exclusively done by Eleneron), additionally, there is just a little shy of 6k words of content in the Items file (Eleneron wrote all the code for it and I've been plugging away at adding items to it.  22 types of ammo, 5 heavy weapon, over 40 clothing options, 4 melee weapons,  4 firearms, 5 healing/consumable items, along with an assortment of other things ranging from a baseball to keys.) that now includes close to 100 items for the game. Meanwhile, ReaperOf666 has been rebuilding this old blog I've barely ever used into something we can use for this project as well as future projects.

Now, to add a little more perspective to that, the first location in the game (Just the location, no quests related to it or anything like that) is a little under 8K words of content, as well as about 2.5k words of content for random events. All said, that makes for more than 20k words of content ready for the game, and we're just getting started on the real content. 

To give some idea of where we're at:
-Elerneron is obviously working on the mechanical end of things, including character mechanics, combat, and equipment.
-ReaperOf666 is working on a dynamic character creation system, the introductory quest, and is handling the blog upgrades.
-Myself, I'm on data entry duty, adding items to the game while trying to write a few random events for the starting location.

Anyone else feeling a little excited about this?


In Wanton Cove news:

Got a bugfix up that makes Nadia sexable again as well as unbreaking the park.

Since the bugfix, I've fixed a problem with the threesome scene that wont appear until the next build, but its not game breaking (Game references a penis that is no longer there for high taint characters)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Changes pertaining to the blog

Hello everyone! ReaperOf666 here (and for the last time, 666 is not the devil's number! It's the number of humanity! I like humans :O )!

I wanted to give everyone a heads up that within the next day or so there will be several changes and additions to the Blog format and appearance to represent our current upcoming game AFTERMATH, as well as provide links to all other projects, games, and a few areas for commenting and questioning if you're into that sort of thing.

After doing so, I'll be posting a poll to gauge how well everyone can navigate it and will change as necessary!

Also, I did enable an option for now that allows anyone to comment on anything, so comment away!

Panic! Chaos! Dissorder! Oh, and a small status update!

Had some troubles on the home front that kept me pretty busy, as such, I didn't get as much done as I would have liked.

On my end I got maybe a dozen items added to the game. 

Elerneron got some really impressive work done on the UI, adding some options that will allow players to change the colors, backgrounds, and other features associated with the appearance of the UI. 

Also, I got ReaperOf666 set up to make some changes to the blog (He's a lot better at this kind of stuff than I am.)

PS:  Posted a new build of Wanton Cove a couple of days ago.  Its buggy as hell.  I'll be trying to get that all debugged and an update out in the foreseeable future.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Small Update to Test Platform

Though I expect few know about it, a couple of years ago, I started a little project with AngelOfRevalation.  When AngelOfRevelation abandoned the project, I was left hanging, without the technical know how to proceed from that point.

This said, its not a big update or anything, just a couple of minor refinements, but I wanted to share the update all the same.

It should be noted that this is NOT a game, but instead is a tutorial for those looking to create their own games.  It is in no way complete, and includes the completed mechanics for adding an Attribute and Skill system to twine based games.

EDIT:  Fixed the link after someone was kind enough to PM me that it wasn't working quite right.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Progress Report 4/13/16

While it might not seem like a lot from your end of things, we actually got a LOT of forward progress in today:

I rewrote three minor scenes that will appear in the starting area of the game. Additionally wrote two more for a total of five for the "Residential Hallway" location.

Elerneron has been VERY busy. Item movement now works on our end, allowing you to move things between containers, drop things on the ground, or add things to your inventory. So the mechanical aspect of item movement is now done. That was one of the big items on list of things to accomplish for the first alpha release.

It sounds like our coder (Elerneron) will be working on setting up our Equipment system (The ability to equip and use individual pieces of equipment.) and Combat. 

Six downloads of our User Interface, yet not a single comment?  You wound me.  At least the tfgamesite guys gave a bit of feedback on it.  :P

Will have another test build for everyone to play around with once the character creation stuff is all in place.

Monday, April 11, 2016

UI Test Build

So, I keep talking about this game, but up until now, I haven't had anything to share with anyone.

The last week has been busy.    We've been working on the User Interface, and we've got a rough draft for everyone to take a look at.

It should be noted that this does not yet any of the in-game content that we've written, this is only a shell to show what the interface will look like, along with a couple of simple functions in place (Leftovers from testing) but it should give some idea of what you will be able to expect visually.

If you take the time to take a look, we'd love to hear your first impressions.  Feedback, comments, and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism are always welcome.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Progress Report: 4/8/16

We brought a new person into the fold on this project.  They're a talented coder, which means instead of me spending a month or more putting everything in place mechanically for the first build of the game, instead, it should all go in place much faster, and more efficiently.  (It actually looks like most, if not all, of the mechanical stuff we planned for the first three builds into the first build of the game.  Which means I REALLY need to get writing!)

Not a lot has gotten finished on my end over the last few days as much of the time I've had to invest in this instead went into catching our new coder up to speed on both the lore of the game, and what we have planned mechanically for it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Progress Report: 4/5/16

Spent about two hours working on the game today!

-Coded about 30 items into the game today.  Currently there are 40 clothing items in the game, along with about half a dozen other items.  I need to figure out how to add something to one of the clothing items, but otherwise, all of the initial clothing items have been added to the game (None of the clothing items are going to be something to wear proudly, but it should serve to clothe everyone until the second release comes out and there are a lot more options available.  ;) )
-Updated the Content Warning available through the start page of the game to reflect changes made and new content being written.
-Added about 500 words of content total, almost all in the form of new items.

In other news:
-Some of you may already know, I frequent, and do a little writing over there for fun.  The last couple of weeks I've been doing a little writing for a new story named "The Virgin Games"  I encourage everyone to go check it, and my other stories, out!

The Virgin Games:

Futa Apocalypse (Story Version):

Glory Hole:

Monday, April 4, 2016

Progress Report: 4/4/16 Say it aint so!

Updates two days in a row!  Say it aint so!

Had a little time to work on this today (And will hopefully continue to do so when I find a little more time this afternoon.)

-Wrote the first eleven clothing items into the game.  This leaves twenty five remaining for the initial set that is going into the game (These are all clothing items specific to the starting location.)
-At this point in time, the framework for character inventory, as well as NPC inventory is all in place.  We've also got everything set up to start adding different kinds of items (This will be relevant in the form of what items drop in what situations, what items are equipable in what slot(s), or what kinds of item you are likely to find in a given container type.)

Coming up:
-More inventory stuff:  About 50 items to be coded into the game for the initial release, setup enemy loot/equipment, the ability to equip gear, merchants, and a desperate need to playtest the heck out of all of it.
-Combat is going to need some rework to accommodate some of the other changes that are being done to the game (Mostly having to do with the inventory mechanics.)
 -The first major quest is being written right now to be added to the game.
-There are some elements of character creation, that while they work correctly, I want to improve on cosmetically.
-Additional random events, along with making it so they happen in more locations.
-Write and add the first couple of NPCs for the game, along with writing a bit of naughtyness to go along with it.  :D

Hopefully I will have some more worth reporting soon!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Progress Report: 4/3/16

Been working on Aftermath the last couple of weeks pretty hard.

-Core Character Creation has been completed (Subject to some fine tuning.) with the exception of adding saves and Feats.  Both tasks should be relatively simple to do.
-Working combat has been added to the game, though the scenes related to it need to be written (Simple task, maybe half an hour tops for each.)
-Been doing some major work on the Inventory/Item mechanic for the game.  Its very much a work in progress, but I've got a lot of great help walking me through it.  The core mechanic is in place.
-About 20-30 random events have been added to the game for the sake of testing.  Thus far it all looks good.
-First area, which includes about 20-25 locations, has been written and coded into the game. 

Coming up:
 -The first major quest is being written right now to be added to the game.
-The Inventory/Item mechanic is making headway, but there's still a lot to do including debugging the ability to pick up and drop items, enemy loot, container loot, the ability to equip gear, and merchants.
-There are some elements of character creation, that while they work correctly, I want to improve on cosmetically.
-Additional random events, along with making it so they happen in more locations.
-Write and add the first couple of NPCs for the game, along with writing a bit of naughtyness to go along with it.  :D

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Since my last post, I've been plugging away at a few projects as time allows.

Futa Apocalypse:  I finally started the process of breaking this into its individual stories.  I'll see about making a release of another story about once a week until the entire game has been broken down into more manageable chunks.  The latest build does NOT have any new content, but if you're interested in taking a look at what the game looks like for a single character, you can find it here:

Aftermath:  I have far more information to share on this front.  With the exception of Feats & Flaws (Feats, like in D&D, Flaws being essentially the opposite and by taking one, it gives you the ability to take an additional Feat during character creation.) I've got the character creation done.  All of the first area's navigation is complete (Over 30 locations in the starting area.)  The last thing I've started working on was the Inventory stuff.  I've got the first few clothing options partially coded into the game (No weight or stat modifiers associated with them, but it includes the ability to change out clothing options.)

No ideas what, if anything I'll accomplish tomorrow, but it looks like Tuesday has some promise.  Hopefully I'll have some more news worth sharing soon!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A look at what's a head.

Some time in the near future, I'll be shifting my attention back to game making again.

My list of priorities include the following:
-Finish up the next update to Wanton Cove.  Its about 80% complete at this time, and a couple of good days' work should see us with a new test build.  As soon as I get the ok from my testers, and/or fix anything they point out, I'll be getting a new build up for the community.
-Do some minor work on Futa Apocalypse.  While I'll likely write a little bit of new content, this work will mostly be for the sake of breaking the game down into its individual stories in an effort to make things significantly more manageable from my end in the future.  This will likely require a full day's work.
-Set to work on Aftermath.  There's been a colossal amount of time and planning that has already gone into this project, and now we're gearing ourselves towards producing a working prototype/demo for the game.  This is easily the biggest item on my to-do list at this time, but on the up side, I'm working with ReaperOf666 from so the work load won't be entirely my own.  At this point in time, we have most of the starting location written, navigation for that location is in place.  We have a combat engine written that will work fine for now (Designed for 1-on-1 combat, but will need to worked on to handle more than that.), but will require a significant amount of work moving forward, and some basic items created that still need to be plugged into the game.

I'll be sure to update about developments as they happen.  I'm not 100% sure which project will get worked on first, but I hope to get to all of them in the coming weeks.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Fallout 4, part 2

Decided to push forward a little bit on this and am rushing through the endings now.  I've knocked out two of the four now, and I hope to bump out the last two over the next two nights.  Then I'll be spending an evening collecting the last few bobble heads and magazines that I missed.  When all of that is done, I plan to jump back into Wanton Cove to see if I cant grind out an update by the end of this month.  ;)  No promises though.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Fallout 4

Nearing the home stretch of Fallout 4.  Once that's done, I'll be jumping back into this again and will hopefully have something to show for it fairly quickly.

In the game related news:  Since the last update, I've completely rebuilt and rewritten the combat endings, resulting in a massive amount of new content in the form of naughty endings for combat.

The last test build left me with a lot of issues to run down.  When I settle back into working on Wanton Cove, I'll be addressing that list and grinding my way through a couple more small issues before a new public build is released.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Not dead, and have not been idle.

So, I honestly forgot all about this for a long time.

Futa Apocalypse has settled into a back burner position for quite some time now while I focus more of my attention on bigger and better things.

Since my last post, a small(ish) but complete game has been released: "The Puppet Master."

I've also been investing time into a Lovecraftian horror/erotica game named "The Allure of Wanton Cove."  That project is coming along nicely and is currently about half complete.

In addition to that, I've been playing around with concept for two additional games.

The first one is named "Aftermath" and is intended to be a post apocalyptic erotica setting in the vein of Fallout, Wasteland, Mad Max, and other similar settings.  There is a very good chance this will be my next major project.

The second one is an unnamed project which is intended to be a female life simulator of sorts involving the character balancing college, work, and social life.

Latest versions of my projects can be found here:

The Allure of Wanton Cove:

Futa Apocalypse:

The Puppet Master: