Saturday, August 6, 2016


So, I havent posted over here in a little while, bit that does not mean a lot hasn't been going on.

It looks like there will be a new build for Futa Apocalypse in the foreseeable future.  The new content will likely be focused exclusively on "The Family" story path.

Posted a new build for The Allure of Wanton Cove a few days ago, and just a couple of days ago, I posted the bug fix to sort the small issues that cropped up (Almost entirely spelling/grammar stuff, nothing game breaking).

Got a bunch of work done on Aftermath.  The first batch of sex scenes are about 75% done at this time.  Was pretty happy with all of that.  Just need to get back to it now and write up the rest of that content so I can move on to fleshing out some NPCs with some content (Discussion/Relationship building).

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lots of News today.

First, got some work done on Aftermath this morning.  About three hours of writing finished up the last of the location events that will be appearing in the initial build of the game.  I wasn't counting, but the end result was somewhere between 30-40 new events written and added. 

Second, got a new build of Futa Apocalypse ready for primetime.  The database entry has been updated over on TFGamesSite, but I'm having trouble uploading the file anywhere.  There is however a link in the discussion thread for the update while I try to host the file elsewhere.

Third, I'm not expecting to get a lot done, but I'm going to spend the rest of today's free time working on Wanton Cove, hopefully I can put a dent in that bath scene I've been working at.

Productive day?   Why yes, yes it has been.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Update 7/23/16

Aftermath News:

Been getting some more writing done.  M/F sex scenes for the initial release of the game is mostly done now.  Intros for seven NPCs have been written.

Basically, got some good progress in the last couple of weeks. 

The Allure of Wanton Cove News:

Next, Spent a bit of time working on The Allure of Wanton Cove.  At this point in time (assuming no further problems with my computer) my hope is to finish up the scenes I started writing this last week, clean up a couple of issues, then make a small release of the game in the next couple of weeks.

Life News:

In less positive news, my computer went on the fritz last night.  Turned off on its own, then refused to turn back on until this morning.  Haven't had any further problems today, but I've been busy trying to back up everything on my computer which cant be replaced.  So at least that's good news.  I'm pretty sure it overheated, and I've taken precautions in the hopes of avoiding further incidents.  My hope is that the computer holds out long enough for me to replace it, which might take a few months. Lets keep our fingers crossed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Been busy.

First, we released a new test build over on TFGamesSite. 

Second, we're looking for a tester to bring on board.  If anyone is interested, please drop me a line either here, or over on TFGamesSite so we can discuss bringing you on board. 

Now, on to the meat of what I planned for this post:
We've been hard at work since my last post over here. 
-Character creation has been completed mechanically.  (Just have a bit of content to add to it to finish fleshing it out.)
-All of the locations that will be appearing in the first release of the game have been coded into the game, as well as all of their descriptions.
-About 150 random events have been plugged into the game.
-About 75 weapons have been coded into the game, ranging from BB guns, to clubs, to EMP grenades, and Laser Rifles.
-We've opted to do a visual/hex based combat for the game instead of simple text based.  We've been working on our mapping system the last couple days.  Mechanically its coming along nicely, it just needs some finishing touches so we can start putting together maps.
-Started adding the fourth NPC to the game.
-First four enemy descriptions have been written.

Needless to say, things are coming along nicely, with a lot of progress.  We're very happy with recent progress, and are excited about getting to share things with you all once things are ready for the first release.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Update 6/29/16

Been busy the last couple of days on this.

As mentioned in my previous post, we've started plugging actual content into the game.  About 1/3 of the areas in the starting location have been added to the game.

There are now two NPCs written into the game (Just the intro sequences so far.) with several more in the pipe to be added.

Started adding the random events to existing locations.  There's about thirty events right now between five locations at this time.  It looks like 4-8 events will be pretty much the norm for the first public build of the game, with additional scenes being added to existing locations as they are written.

I hope to put another big dent in the content later today.

Meanwhile, Elerneron has started working on the mechanical end of character creation and has been trying to teach me how the random event stuff works so I can get everything added.  ;)