Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Settling back into regular work.

The recent chaos on the home front is finally in the late stages of settling down now.  This means I'll have more time to work on projects again soon.

In related news, a couple of days ago, I wrote a few more small filler scenes for Aftermath.  And yesterday, I spent a couple of hours working through bug reports related to The Allure of Wanton Cove and making some minor improvements (Did some minor rewrites for a couple of the early story driven scenes, worked age regression into the current TF elements, started doing some rework on the combat elements in the game, etc)

No promises, but the current plan is to have a new build of The Allure of Wanton Cove up for players some time this coming month, as well as another small update for Futa Apocalypse.

Additionally, Elerneron is starting to make forward progress on the code end of Aftermath again, so its looks like that project is going to gain a bit of forward momentum as well.

In other news, anyone who is interested in seeing what I've been playing around with on my little free time, go check out some of my writing over on

The Virgin Games:

The Bloody Maiden:

If you like them, be sure to give a few chapters a thumbs up while you're there.  And feel free to leave a comment, I enjoy hearing what people think of my work.

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