Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Update 6/29/16

Been busy the last couple of days on this.

As mentioned in my previous post, we've started plugging actual content into the game.  About 1/3 of the areas in the starting location have been added to the game.

There are now two NPCs written into the game (Just the intro sequences so far.) with several more in the pipe to be added.

Started adding the random events to existing locations.  There's about thirty events right now between five locations at this time.  It looks like 4-8 events will be pretty much the norm for the first public build of the game, with additional scenes being added to existing locations as they are written.

I hope to put another big dent in the content later today.

Meanwhile, Elerneron has started working on the mechanical end of character creation and has been trying to teach me how the random event stuff works so I can get everything added.  ;)

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