Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Been busy.

First, we released a new test build over on TFGamesSite. 

Second, we're looking for a tester to bring on board.  If anyone is interested, please drop me a line either here, or over on TFGamesSite so we can discuss bringing you on board. 

Now, on to the meat of what I planned for this post:
We've been hard at work since my last post over here. 
-Character creation has been completed mechanically.  (Just have a bit of content to add to it to finish fleshing it out.)
-All of the locations that will be appearing in the first release of the game have been coded into the game, as well as all of their descriptions.
-About 150 random events have been plugged into the game.
-About 75 weapons have been coded into the game, ranging from BB guns, to clubs, to EMP grenades, and Laser Rifles.
-We've opted to do a visual/hex based combat for the game instead of simple text based.  We've been working on our mapping system the last couple days.  Mechanically its coming along nicely, it just needs some finishing touches so we can start putting together maps.
-Started adding the fourth NPC to the game.
-First four enemy descriptions have been written.

Needless to say, things are coming along nicely, with a lot of progress.  We're very happy with recent progress, and are excited about getting to share things with you all once things are ready for the first release.

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